
The old BP website wasn’t back-up, hosting expired.  When I realised it, it was too late, the hosting company said they did not provide backups.

Years of photos, stories all gone.

Disappointing and sad, glad to have made friends over the website over the years. If you happened to have the photos that was posted (meaning, you downloaded it and kept it for memories) and want to contribute it back to this empty website, please email them to me.


2 Replies to “Gone..”

  1. Hi Philip

    Sorry to hear that the hosting for the old website had expired.
    There were some great postings over there.

    But, there’s potential for partial reconstruction of the old website.

    That’s because a number of pages have been archived:
    I do not know how long the archive will remain.

    Separately, I have downloaded some photos in the past, some from your old website, some from others.
    I can email them to you once I locate them.


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